Dear Sara Hipperson:
Many thanks for you informative and helpful letter with its history of Greenham Camp post 2000 – the development of the Peace Garden – a wonderful action, returning the Camp to Greenham and Greenham receiving it with gratitude! What a wonderful symbol of Non Violent living – benefiting both the violent party & its victims.
And thank you for your excellent book which inspired and encouraged me decade ago and inspires me even more as I read it again.
I especially liked one sentence in your letter in which you write: ‘The time spent at Greenham simplified life for me in a way: – in spite of all the hardship I was relieved of many of the problems that take up so much of our time.”
In an earlier sentence you had written – “When I think to the time we spoke (pre 1980) the protest dominated all my thinking – spiritual and life style – non-violence governed both. Today I find they both exist without a great deal of thought by me.” What a wonderful sentence. You no longer think about Peace and Justice – you have become it.
Congratulations & thank you for that gift to all humankind – a gift which cannot be destroyed – God’s own life!
And thank you for the corrections you sent me on the two standards and I shall ensure that is included in “Cry of Wonder” which I shall send you when published.
Gerry Hughes SJ